Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This time of year makes us all stop and think of reasons we are thankful. I often stop myself and think, why just at Thanksgiving? We should be thankful ALL year. God has blessed us beyond our hearts desire. My goal is to find one thing to be thankful for everyday. Not just around the holidays.

Today, I am thankful for many things. First, the glorious sound of rain that is pouring as we speak. It brings music to my ears and calms my nerves (I have my post conference with my Prinicpal at 7 am). I am also thankful for a job that I LOVE! My kids are learning and growing and I truly see God working in my life to help their needs.

I could go on and on with thanks. However, I need to get read for the aforementioned conference. Today and everyday, take time to be thankful. We spend so much of our lives rushing around and doing task. Take time to thank God for busyness and other blessings in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving!