Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This time of year makes us all stop and think of reasons we are thankful. I often stop myself and think, why just at Thanksgiving? We should be thankful ALL year. God has blessed us beyond our hearts desire. My goal is to find one thing to be thankful for everyday. Not just around the holidays.

Today, I am thankful for many things. First, the glorious sound of rain that is pouring as we speak. It brings music to my ears and calms my nerves (I have my post conference with my Prinicpal at 7 am). I am also thankful for a job that I LOVE! My kids are learning and growing and I truly see God working in my life to help their needs.

I could go on and on with thanks. However, I need to get read for the aforementioned conference. Today and everyday, take time to be thankful. We spend so much of our lives rushing around and doing task. Take time to thank God for busyness and other blessings in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Our God Is Greater

Oh my....what a world wind this last month has been! For starters I had the bittersweet moment of sending my babies to fifth grade. Where did the year go? It seems like just YESTERDAY they were eager newbies and now they are grown up and moving on to the fifth grade. Our God is so good. All summer and school year I prayed that God would mold me into the teacher that could effectively reach my students. God truly provided the right mentor, administration and co workers to help answer those prayers. I could not have picked a better group of teachers/administration to work with or students to teach. They all will hold a very special place in my heart! This school year was just a reminder of How Great Our God Is!

On a it bad that I have already started planning for next year? Hahaha

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Taking Up our Cross

This afternoon Matt and I decided to watch Passion of the Christ while we ate dinner. I haven't seen the movie since it came out years ago. Oh my word, after watching this movie I always walk away being amazed at what an awesome God we serve.

I have really been thinking lately about how great our Father's love for us really and truly is. He came to this earth, knowing that He would die for us. He was persecuted and tormented for us, so that through Him we would become followers. This morning I was reading in Luke about Jesus death. Not matter how many times I read these precious words I still cannot fathom how Jesus loved you and I so much that he died for us. More specifically, He died to save us from our sins. Little old me. Wow! God is amazing.

I was really moved today watching the scene where Jesus is carrying His cross to Golgotha. The scripture in Luke chapter 9 "if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." Jesus was truly living by example. This week try to read about Jesus death, burial, and resurrection. Think about the true sacrifice Jesus made of Himself for us. I am truly thankful to serve a risen Saviour who loved me before I even knew Him.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Everything I need

Good Chilly morning friends!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend :) Mine was wonderful but definitely short lived. This morning while drinking my coffee, I realized it had been a while since I had blogged. Life has been super busy lately but I am loving every minute of it. Last weekend Matt and I, along with some friends, went to Winter Jam. Man, what a blessing this concert was to me. I love how God uses the lyrics to a song to touch our hearts. One of the songs that really spoke to me was Kutless' "Everything I need".

I am a huge planner but with my OCD type A personality comes lots of worry. I have really struggled with worrying lately. Mainly my worry is out of not knowing what will happen. When I cannot see Gods plan for the long run, I worry. Through my quiet time and prayer I have been learning that God really does have it ALL under control, even the future. All I need to do is rely on Him for "everything I need" just like Kutless sang about.

Philippians 4:6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your request be made known to God.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Good morning! I hope everyone is having a great start to your day. I absolutely love the mornings. I am what my husband calls a "morning person". The mornings are my God and I time. Its really a time where I can focus and get into His word. For the past couple of mornings I have been listening to Francesca Battisteli's "This is the Stuff" at the end of my quiet time. It is an awesome song! The song really puts into perspective how much we are blessed yet complain about the present. I know at times I may find myself complaining because I can't find something, or I'm late, etc. I have really started to think about what I am blessed with and it really puts my current situation into prospective. Try thanking God for what you do have and are able to do. Also, thank Him for the trial's He sends are way. He is only trying to draw us closer to Him :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

My list

Hello Friends :) its been a little while since I posted.  Seems that life has been extra crazy since I have gotten married.  Believe me, it was already crazy before I became a Mrs....I have been reading several friends blogs and they have written down their to do list so to speak of things they would like to accomplish or change about their life before their next birthday.  These post really got me to think about what would be on my list.  Well, here is one of the items on my  "list"

Draw closer to God -at the beginning of 2011 I really had a burden to read and study and more importantly memorize God's word.  One day searching blogs, I ran across Beth Moore's Lifeway blog.  I am a HUGE fan, so I immediately started reading.  One of the post was about a scripture memory challenge.  She was encouraging women to memorize 2 verses each month.  As soon as I read this, I felt that God was saying-go for it.  It is amazing how God places us exactly where we need to be.  I decided to take Beth's challenge and have learned 3 verses so far this year and am currently learning my 4th.  These verses have really been an encouragement to me.  Many times throughout the day one will pop into my head at just the moment I need it.  God is so good to us.  He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him.

Here are some of the verses I have been learning and what they have meant to me :)

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in Glory in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19--My,oh my, has this verse been an encouragement to me.  God wants us to rely on Him to supply our needs.  He is to be our guide.  There are so many times when I am not patient and let my will take over.  This is sin, plain and simple.  We are to let go of our will and follow God.

"You crown the year with Your good blessings, and You leave abundance in Your wake." Psalm 65:11--Such a precious verse to me.  God blesses us and then when we are troubled we have those blessings to focus on.  I use to find myself saying "why me" or "why not me" however, now my perspective is to think about what God has blessed me with not those negative thoughts.

"You have multiplied, oh Lord my God, Your wondrous deeds and Your thoughts towards us; none can compare with You. I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told." Psalm 40:5--Wow! God thinks of me.  Little, old, Kristin from Pitt County, NC! What an amazing thought.  The God of the Universe who made the heave, moon, stars and everything in between thinks of me.---Amazing.  Sometimes I sit back and think about all the attributes of God. I even wrote them down one day in my journals.  Our God really is indescribable as Chris Tomlin sings.  I am so glad that he loves me and forgives me when I fail Him.

Have a wonderful weekend friends!